What is Laser Epilation?

Laser hair removal (Laser Hair Removal) provides getting rid of unwanted hair with the effect of some light sources with a certain wavelength. Laser light suitable for the skin selectively concentrates on the hair root, turns into heat and destroys only the root itself and the core cell without damaging the surrounding tissue.
The working principles of the laser were discovered by Albert Einstein in the early 1900s. The laser era began when Albert Einstein wrote his article The Quantum Theory of Radiation in 1917. Laser has been used in medicine for about 40 years. Recently, it has been used in almost all branches of medicine. For example, urology, eye diseases, neurosurgery, etc. The most popular application of lasers today is undoubtedly Laser Hair Removal. No mutagenic effects of lasers used in epilation have been detected. They are not radioactive. Alexandite Lasers, Diode Lasers and Nd-Yag Lasers are used in Laser Epilation. IPL and photoepilation devices are not considered as laser.
Laser Epilation Information
The wavelength of the laser light used in laser epilation has the ability to be absorbed by the melanin pigment. With the cooling system laser technique, the laser heat turns into heat that directly destroys the hair follicle without damaging the skin.
What is laser beam, what effect does it create on the skin?
‘Light Amplification by Stimulated Emmition of Radiation’, in short, laser (laser) beam, unlike the light we know, is the emission of light in a straight beam at a single wavelength. When the laser beam falls on the tissue, three different events occur depending on the properties of the tissue
Reflection: Reflected light leaves no energy where it hits.
Transmission: As light passes through tissue, it leaves no energy in the tissue.
Absorption: Absorbed light leaves all its energy to the place where it hits and causes heating.
In semi-permeable tissues such as human skin, all three events are seen in different combinations.
Which devices are used for laser epilation?
Alexandrite, Nd Yag and Diode systems are the systems used for epilation.
Who can laser epilation be applied to?
From the age of 12, it can be applied to anyone with dark coloured hair. If the hairs are light-coloured, i.e. have little pigment and no dark pigment, they will not be affected by the treatment because they will not see the laser light.
Which areas can laser epilation be applied?
It can be applied to the hairs on all body parts provided that the eyes are protected from direct light with special glasses. It is not performed only inside the eye socket and ear hole.
Can every hair be successfully removed in laser epilation?
In all devices used in laser epilation, melanin has been selected as the target as a working principle. The success rate is high in dark and thick hairs where melanin is dense, and the success rate is lower in light coloured hairs with low melanin content. Another event affecting the success is the skin colour of the person. Since the melanin in the superficial layer of the skin is high in those with dark skin colour, the risk of side effects is high and the success rate decreases since the energy given for the purpose of epilation will be dispersed. In summary, success in epilation is directly proportional to the hair being dark and thick and the skin colour being light.
Is hair thickness effective in laser epilation?
Hair thickness is extremely important in terms of treatment efficacy in Laser Epilation. Thick hair absorbs light faster within the pulse time. In general, the darker the hair, the more effective the treatment. However, although light coloured hair usually responds well to treatment, it would be too optimistic to expect an early improvement. The most easily treated combination is the combination of black hair and white skin.
How long is the duration of each treatment?
Although it varies according to the features of the devices used, it can be said that the face can be treated in 7-8 minutes, moustache in 1 minute, legs in 45 minutes -1 hour with devices with very fast working features.
Is there any pain during the treatment?
You can only feel the impact of the coolant gas and laser light like a tyre on your skin.
Is skin colour important in laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal (Laser Hair Removal) method is a method with higher efficiency in people with white skin and dark hair colour. Since it will be possible to use high doses without damaging the tissue and the hair follicles will absorb the beam more when they are dark in colour, the treatment is completed in a shorter time in terms of the number of sessions. In the new generation laser devices, since it is possible to make adjustments specific to the person and the area to be treated, the doses can be reduced to levels that will not harm the skin in people with dark skin colour, bronze skinned people and even black people, and the procedure can be applied with confidence and success.
Is it possible to get rid of hair in one session?
No, it is not possible. Because not all hair follicles are in the same growth phase. During the application, hair follicles in the mature phase (anogen) are affected. Hair follicles in the resting (catogen) and regression (telogen) phase are not affected. These need to be treated in other sessions. Due to the differences in the colour and growth stages of the hairs, the number of sessions varies according to the person or even different parts of the same person.
Why is more than one session required in laser hair removal?
Body hairs are in three developmental stages called anagen, catagen and telogen. Each hair passes through these stages at different times independent of each other. Laser hair removal (Laser Hair Removal) only affects the hair in the anagen (active) period. For this reason, it is not possible to eliminate all the hairs in the area applied in a single session. For the treatment process (spread over 1-1.5 years), an average of 5-6 sessions in body areas; 7-8 sessions can be said on the face.
How does the epilation effect of the laser beam occur?
The basic principle of laser hair removal is the interaction of light with the melanin pigment in the hair and hair follicle, which gives the hair its colour. Melanin absorbs the laser beam falling on it. The absorbed beam turns into heat energy and destroys the hair root
For laser hair removal (Laser Hair Removal) method, the laser beam must penetrate deep into the skin, reach the hair root and damage the root by turning into heat energy. Hair follicles are 2-5 mm below the surface, although they vary in various parts of the body. In devices developed for epilation, the distance that the beam -wavelength- reaches under the skin must be within these limits.
In laser hair removal (Laser Hair Removal), the laser beam is sent to the extent sufficient to destroy the melanin-bearing hair but not to damage the surrounding tissue by using a method called selective photothermolysis. Therefore, for a safe and effective epilation, it is of great importance to determine the energy value and the duration of the energy to be sent to the skin, taking into account the skin colour, hair colour, thickness and density. Advanced laser hair removal technologies such as Diode Laser have advanced computer systems that make it possible to make special adjustments according to the skin and hair characteristics of the person. The most effective doses specific to the person and region should be determined by specialist doctors. Because the application of the procedure with lower doses than it should be prolongs the sessions, on the contrary, high doses cause burns and stains on the skin.
How long are the session intervals?
Session intervals vary between 4 and 8 weeks depending on the region.
How long are the sessions in laser epilation (Laser Epilation)?
In laser epilation (Laser Epilation) method, large areas can be treated in very short periods of time. Each session is completed in a different time according to the width of the area to be treated. For example, large areas such as complete legs, back are scanned in an average of 2 hours, smaller areas such as armpits, bikini area, face in 10-12 minutes, small areas such as moustache, chin in 1-2 minutes.
Does laser epilation give permanent results?
Yes, it does. The hairs whose roots are destroyed by laser epilation do not grow again. This situation, approved by the American FDA, has been scientifically proven as a result of long-term clinical laser hair removal studies.
Can laser epilation be applied in summer?
It can be done with Nd Yag Lasers.
How should laser epilation session intervals be?
The session frequency is 1 month in the face area and 2-2.5 months in body parts. As the treatment progresses, the session intervals become longer. For example, applications after the third – fourth session are needed less frequently.
What should be done when considering laser epilation?
First of all, the patient should be seen and evaluated by a dermatologist, the cause of hair growth should be investigated, necessary tests and examinations should be performed. Before starting the treatment, it is essential that the hairs are not yellowed and not removed with tweezers or thread.
Laser hair removal applications in men
With the concept of ‘metrosexual man’ that has emerged in recent years, it is observed that there is a great increase in the number of men going to aesthetic centres for various applications. One of the most popular topics in male aesthetics is the methods of getting rid of unwanted hair. Especially men who complain about hairs and ingrown hairs on cheekbones, between eyebrows, nape, neck, hands, hair on shoulders, back and chest, show great interest in the treatment of unwanted hairs and ingrown hairs with laser hair removal method.
With the laser hair removal method, hair follicles can be completely destroyed in an average of 5-6 sessions and a completely hairless appearance can be obtained, or it is possible to dilute the hair and make it weaker by leaving the application after 2-3 sessions.
In terms of laser epilation application, there is no difference between male and female patients. In fact, it can be said that male patients are generally more advantageous in laser epilation due to thicker hair follicles. Since thick hair follicles are more affected by the energy of the laser beam, the process causes more damage to the hair follicle. Accordingly, it can be said that male patients respond faster to treatment.